Time Flies

Time Flies

Category : News

Have You Joined a Shul Yet?


As most members and GTA synagogues are aware, the expiry date is November 30, 2017 to be eligible for the offers Shaar Shalom has arranged with these synagogues. We have been advising our membership periodically to approach shuls, speak to the leadership and make your decision. It is our hope that all or most of our membership will find new spiritual homes.

To this effect, many GTA shuls have held special events as orientations and opportunities to ask any questions you might have. You don’t have to wait for any of these special events. Feel free to drop in at a Kabbalat Shabbat, a Shabbat morning service or join one of the interest groups to see how the membership reacts to you and you to them.

We are approaching the summertime. Many people will be going on vacations, to summer homes but planning for the upcoming High Holidays has traditionally been the time when we re-enrolled in our shuls.

This countdown clock is a reminder of how many days you have until the offer expires. This has been an 18 month process and we are anxious to finalize the administration of Shaar Shalom, have a final audit and general meeting and surrender our charter, which will be done on or before June 30, 2018. So please keep this date in mind and join a shul sooner, rather than later.

Those who have made the choice have all been so pleased at how seamless we have made this process.  We, at Shaar Shalom, work with the folks in the other shul offices to manage the paperwork for you. You sign the form confirming you are joining a shul and we provide your shul profile to the new shul, saving you the stress of completing all the information about Hebrew names, dates, and yahrzeit dates.

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