Category Archives: Form Downloads

Member Enrolment Form

Category : Form Downloads

Form to Be Completed by Recipient Synagogue

on ENROLMENT of Shaar Shalom Member

This form is provided to Synagogues who are registering Shaar Shalom members who were members in good standing as at June 30, 2016. Each of these members was provided a letter clearly outlining that they are a member in good standing as at the aforementioned date and declares whether they have participated as a Building Fund contributor or not.

Please download this file as a template for both the Shaar Shalom member and a signing officer of your organization to sign. This confirms that this member is, in fact, joining your Synagogue.

Once complete, please scan and email the form to [email protected] for processing.

Re-Enrolment Form

Category : Form Downloads

Form to Be Used by Synagogues

RENEWING Membership of Shaar Shalom Members

On the anniversary of the first renewal of membership of a member who was in good standing at Shaar Shalom on June 30, 2016, Shaar Shalom will require documentation to confirm the transaction. Attached please find the Re-Enrolment Form which both the previous Shaar Shalom member and a signing officer of your Synagogue must sign.

Once the form is complete and signed, please scan and email the form to [email protected].